About UConn Structural Biology

The UConn Partnership for Excellence in Structural Biology brings together faculty, staff, and students to form an interactive research and training environment. We have active research programs in the structural analysis of macromolecular assemblies and membrane proteins, computational and experimental methods development, computational modeling, and analysis. Our major facilities include NMR, X-ray crystallography, Proteomics & Metabolomics core facilities as well as the National Center for Analytical Ultracentrifugation. The partnership supports collaborative research projects, interdepartmental graduate training and an annual symposium (NESS).

Upcoming Events

  1. Mar 27 MCB Cell and Developmental Biology Journal Club 12:30pm
  2. Mar 28 MCB Undergraduate Research Submission Deadline All Day
  3. Mar 28 GO:MCB Pizza Party 11:45am
  4. Mar 28 MCB Research in Progress: Mirabella and O’Connor 12:20pm
  5. Mar 31 Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Work in Progress Talk: Alex Radecki (Dr. O. Vargas-Rodriguez Lab) 12:00pm

Contact Us

Phone: (860) 486-4353
Address: University of Connecticut
Department of Molecular & Cell Biology
91 North Eagleville Road, Unit 3125
Biology/Physics Building 204
Storrs, CT 06269-3125